작성일 : 13-09-17 08:53
New carpet for Bible Study Room
 글쓴이 : elementary

Yes, we have new carpet for our Bible Study Room~

Hope, we have much more improved educational environment in the near future~


일반형 뉴스형 사진형 Total 6
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
6 New carpet for Bible Study Room elementary 09-17
5 성경공부교재 Bible Study Textbook #2 elementary 03-21
4 Teachers' Worship elementary 02-12
3 Sand Art - Creation 모래예술 -천지창조 elementary 01-27
2 성경공부 교재 Bible Study Textbook elementary 11-02
1 새로운 시작 New Beginning elementary 10-17